Genes are the building blocks of our bodies. Each one of us possesses a different set of genes that influence every part of our physical being – from our hair color to our eye color, gender, skin tone – the list goes on! Some genes also impact our likelihood of developing health problems like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, insomnia, and more. Others affect how our bodies use nutrients or eliminate toxins.
In this post, we cover human genetic analysis and describe the four DNA Wellness Reports that have recently been released on SelfDecode.
How Does Human Genetic Analysis Work?
Did you know that over 99% of DNA is the same for all humans? Yes, it’s the 1% that makes each person unique and that can have a profound impact on your life. And in fact, only 2 – 3% of this DNA are genes, which give instructions on how to our bodies should develop and function. But don’t be fooled, genes and genetic variations can be extremely complex, and scientists are still unraveling all the mysteries they carry.
As health care gets increasingly complex, more and more cutting-edge tools are being put at our disposal. Genetic analysis is one of those tools that can truly optimize our wellbeing. What can be more personal than your own genetic makeup? Genetic analysis is paving the way to an era of individualized health recommendations. Understanding your genes gives you an advantage that never existed before.
DNA Wellness Reports
Our sister company, SelfDecode, has finally launched our highly anticipated DNA Wellness Reports.
These reports provide a detailed analysis of your genetic data and the ways in which genetics increases or decreases your predisposition for a variety of ailments, including cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation, sleep disorders, and more.
In each report, your genetic data is weighed against hundreds of the latest scientific studies. This data is compiled to pinpoint your genetic weaknesses and strengths when it comes to health and wellbeing.
Your genetic data is visualized to present only the most relevant genetic variations in a way that everyone can understand. Your estimated risk for a variety of health issues is summarized, giving you a clear overview of how your genes may impact your health.
But just understanding how your genes may be contributing or leveraging your risk for disease is only one part of the bigger picture. You will receive personalized health and lifestyle suggestions, along with actionable tips to make the most of this knowledge. You can adapt your lifestyle to your own body, and learn to turn your genetic weaknesses to your advantage.
In fact, you may have noticed that certain health issues come back even after you’ve tried many interventions. Some may even run in the family, and you may conclude that there’s nothing you can do about it. After all, we can’t choose the genes we inherit. But it’s actually the other way around. Lifestyle and diet can “turn on” or “turn off” genes, only if you know what to target.
Once you notice negative health patterns reappearing in your own life, you can turn to genetic analysis to help you understand what may be the underlying influence.
Existing SelfDecode subscribers and new subscribers who join by July 4th will receive the introductory report and another specialty report of their choices free of charge. SelfDecode members can also purchase additional DNA Wellness Reports for $29, which is a 50% discount off the regular price. You can unlock your DNA Wellness Reports by logging into your SelfDecode account here.
If you would like to purchase single DNA Wellness Reports, you can purchase them this week for $39 (full price $59) on this page.
We are currently offering you three categories of DNA Wellness Reports. Each category covers some of the main health issues people are facing worldwide:
1) Introductory DNA Wellness Report
The Introductory DNA Wellness Report is free for all SelfDecode members! This report is a great place to start if you’re unsure about what your genetics can reveal. It contains a careful overview of the genetic variants that influence your fitness, food and nutrition, and different personality traits.
Have you ever felt that coffee is not your thing? In this report, you can discover if you are more or less sensitive to the effects of coffee and be wiser with your caffeinated habits. Or do people always tell you that you take on the energy of others too often? In fact, it may be that your genetic variants make you more likely to feel strong empathy toward other people.
If you struggle with weight loss and don’t know where to start when it comes to exercise, this report may shed some light on what strategy your body may adapt to easier. It assesses how your genes can affect your ability to burn fat and what type of exercise may work best for you.
The Introductory report also gives a snapshot of how your genetic variations would influence your cognition if you are more susceptible to anxiety, impulsivity, or increased fear response.
Based on this information, the Introductory Report will give you suggestions to improve your overall health and the specific weaknesses you may be predisposed to.
2) Inflammation DNA Wellness Report
In the Inflammation DNA Wellness Report, you receive a risk assessment for various inflammatory conditions and how their effects can combine with the types of inflammation you are experiencing. This report covers bone, brain, and nerve inflammation, respiratory diseases, skin issues, and digestive problems.
You can use this information to understand how your genes may influence specific inflammation pathways in your body, which can have a major influence on your symptoms. Inflammation is a cascade, it starts on the molecular levels and can progress to influence the whole body.
In inflammation, lifestyle and genes come together: the genes being turned off or on depending on the choices you make in life. But some people are more susceptible to these triggers than others, and being aware of this can help you take different steps. This report outlines suggestions tailored to your genetics, helping you act on the underlying cause of inflammation in your body.
3) Cardiovascular DNA Wellness Report
Ever wonder why doctors always ask about your family history? Family history can be an easy way to identify if you have risks for a variety of complications, especially cardiovascular ones! In the cardiovascular DNA Wellness Report, the genes that are passed down to you by your parents that may affect the heart or blood vessels are analyzed.
This report details your risks for developing conditions such as atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, congenital heart defects, stroke, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease.
If you’re already experiencing symptoms of heart disease, this report will help you understand how your genes may be contributing and what you can do to better manage your health issues. If you don’t have any heart concerns yet but are looking to prevent complications later on in life, this report will help you understand what steps are best suited to your genetic makeup.
The Cardiovascular DNA Wellness Report also explains what conditions have a stronger genetic influence, and in which cases lifestyle factors can play a deciding role. When taken together, you will get a realistic picture of your risks, advantages, and options to optimize your cardiovascular health.
4) Sleep DNA Wellness Report
If you’ve ever had trouble getting a good night’s sleep – it might be in your DNA! In this DNA Wellness Report, you will learn about the different genes that affect the quality of sleep, as well as a detailed analysis of your risk for sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, bedwetting, insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and teeth grinding.
Many people who struggle with insomnia and other sleep disturbances are not sure what caused the issues in the first place. It can be hard and confusing to change sleep patterns and habits because not all interventions work for everyone. The genetics of sleep can shed light on various complex pathways that can increase or decrease your chance of experiencing sleep disturbances. Based on this, you will receive suggestions that address your underlying weaknesses and cut down the guesswork.
Have you noticed a tendency to be more active in the afternoon, or are you always the first to wake up in the morning? Scientists discovered that genes can influence if you are a night owl or an early bird. But we found it’s not as simple as that, there are various categories within these two that may have an effect on your circadian rhythm.
Example DNA Wellness Reports
You can see an example of my DNA Wellness Reports (using my data) by clicking on the title of each DNA Wellness Report below.
Other Categories
Reports on even more categories – like nutrition, cognition, gut health, and fitness – are forthcoming!
Along with the risk assessments, you’ll also receive actionable health suggestions to help you reduce your likelihood of developing each of these conditions OR how to better manage these conditions if you do already have them. Without understanding what lies at the root of many health issues, you will never truly be able to combat your health problems effectively.
Our reports are focused on risk assessments, disease prevention, and education, rather than diagnosis. If you think you may be suffering from any of the conditions that you learn about in the DNA Wellness Reports, please do see a doctor, and share this information with them so they too can be empowered to help you make the best decisions. This is especially true because the analyses that you’ll receive in these reports are not yet commonplace in medical practices.
Our mission is to empower you to make the wisest decisions to optimize your health by providing you with all the cutting-edge tools you need to understand the most complex machine in the world – YOU!
Health is not one-size-fits-all. Healthcare shouldn’t be either.
You are unique, and it’s only fair that you have an understanding of what exactly makes you unique – your genes! By pursuing scientific knowledge via our DNA Wellness Reports, you gain an edge in truly unlocking the door to your ultimate well-being. It is only with this knowledge that we can be empowered to make the right decisions in the pursuit of optimal health.