Is it just me, or does it seem like there are a lot of biohackers on social media giving out health advice? Some of them have a lot of experience and value, others… not so much.
So I decided, I’m going to help you get to know all the great biohackers, health practitioners, entrepreneurs, and alternative health experts.
And that’s why I’ve created “The Joe Cohen Show,” a weekly podcast where I discuss all things health with the world’s top biohackers!
My first episode is with Dr. Mercola, a New York Times bestselling author and the founder of the natural health website, one of the world’s leading natural health website with millions of monthly visitors.
The second episode is with Teemu Arina, a thriving speaker and the curator of the Biohacker Summit. He’s also the author of the Biohacker’s Handbook: Upgrade Yourself and Unleash Your Inner Potential.
Both episodes are out now for you to listen to! Please be sure to also follow the podcast to get notified when each new episode is released.
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Dr. Mercola: Vitamin D, Linoleic Acid & Vegetable Oils
According to Dr. Mercola, vegetable oils are the single most deadly element of your diet, way worse than sugar, and even worse than smoking.
The metabolic consequences from the sugar in a can of coke last for just a couple of hours.
Vegetable oils, on the other hand, last 7 years! So what does that mean for your health? Listen to my conversation with Dr. Mercola and find out.
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Biohacking Your Brain & Body with Teemu Arina
When it comes to mental health, strength, and resilience, Teemu believes that the main focus shouldn’t be to work on it directly through nootropics stacks, but rather optimize the physical to improve the mental.
So what exactly does he mean when he says optimize the physical? Saunas? Red light therapy? Cold exposure?
Listen to my discussion with Teemu to find out his secrets to handling stress, the unique methods of biohacking, and how you can personalize your approach to optimal health!
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Follow And Leave A Review
I’m really excited for you all to listen to The Joe Cohen Show and gain some valuable insights on different health topics.
If you enjoyed the podcasts, please be sure to follow the podcast on your platform of choice and leave us a review!