After a long time in the making, we have released the world’s first personalized genetics health blog over at SelfDecode.
What does that mean?
Imagine that instead of reading generic blogs about how to improve your health, you can read recommendations that are personalized to you!
Want to know if a supplement is right for you? We’ll look at your genes to tell you.
Are you sensitive to lectins? How about which therapies you should try for chronic lyme, histamine intolerance, or brain fog?
SelfDecode’s Personalized Genetics Blog provides members with continuous DNA analyses and personalized recommendations to improve their health based on their genes.
Each article will provide an overview of a specific gene and how it can affect your daily life.
Members will be able to see exactly which variation of the gene is in their DNA and most importantly what they need to do to make improvements.
To start, we took a deep dive into the truth about love.
The truth is that relationships are HARD.
Getting a date is the first hurdle. Then, factors like attraction, trust, compassion, compatibility, and a ton of others determine whether a romantic relationship will last.
What if we told you that your genes affect how successful you are at dating and relationships?
They do.
Lucky for you, there are ways to modify your genetics to improve your dating! No need to consult your horoscope or every self-help book out there to fix your love life.
You can read exactly how your genes affect your dating and relationship success on the SelfDecode Personalized Genetics Blog.
For example, I have a variation of the serotonin gene (HRT2A) which means that serotonin transmission doesn’t work as well. This causes me to be less socially dominant and not naturally popular with the ladies, which made it hard to date successfully in college.
After learning about biohacking, I was able to fix this gene to improve my mood and charm. This simple fix helped to land me a date, and eventually a girlfriend. (And now I’m dating way out of my league 😉)
So, check out the latest article on the SelfDecode Personalized Genetics Blog and you can find out exactly what’s going on between your genes.
- Become a Better Dater
- Make Your Relationship Stronger
- Increase Your Romance Chances
- Are You Genetically More Empathetic?
You have to remember to check back frequently for new topics to receive notifications. Some topics in the pipeline for the Personalized Genetics Blog are cognitive function, mood, thyroid hormones and more!
If you are not a SelfDecode member, you can still view the blog, but you won’t receive your personalized gene analysis or see personalized recommendations to upgrade the function of your genes.
We don’t want you to miss out on these members-only recommendations!