Over the past couple of weeks, I was a keynote speaker discussing hacking your health and longevity through DNA.
The first conference – The Health Optimisation Summit – took place in London.
The second conference – The Biohacker Summit – was in Helsinki, Finland.
For 2 weeks, my natural introversion was tested, as I had to speak to many hundreds of people.
Over the past few months, I’ve been experimenting with ways to become more extroverted, with good success. Two key methods for me are implementing changes that help increase dopamine and serotonin.
As a result of years of biohacking, I had really good energy levels the whole time, despite traveling, sleeping little, working, speaking and attending the conferences.
Jo’s Mood Daily, a formula I built for myself, tremendously helped me be more stable and extroverted.
As an example, on the last day of the Biohacker Summit conference, I didn’t get too much sleep, and I was stimulating my nervous system too much.
I did 1.5 hours of cold plunges and saunas, stimulatory light devices, and participated in a ceremony where someone blows tobacco up my nose (some pictures below). I also took some yerba mate, which has caffeine.
Whenever I challenge my nervous system a lot, it makes me feel like I need to “rest and reset.”
I noticed I was getting more introverted and wanted to be alone – and I was getting slightly irritated at being around people.
But there was a party right after that I didn’t want to miss…So I took Jo’s Mood Daily and I was as good as new.
One ingredient that is super useful for me is Thiamine, which I had put in Mood Daily.
When I uploaded my labs to SelfDecode a while back, it flagged low thiamine as a problem. I felt like I was getting enough thiamine through my diet and nutritional yeast, so I figured it might be a fluke, but I didn’t retest.
After a while, I forgot about it, and that was one of the biggest health mistakes I made.
The worst thing you can do is not pay close enough attention to your personal results and more importantly, not taking action based on that.
I’ve started to dose up with extra thiamine with excellent results, and I take doses throughout the day now.
Sometimes I have to practice what I preach more: the best way to optimal health is through personalization and I wasn’t paying close enough attention to some of my own results.
So this was the topic I spoke about – how to use your DNA to optimize your health.
One thing I was surprised about was that only half of biohackers at these summits had their DNA tested. How someone is a biohacker without their fundamental blueprint is a bit surprising to be honest.
I don’t see how anyone can optimize their health very well without personalization, and I think people will start realizing this more over time.
I guess I’ve just been into gene-based health for so long that I forgot that there are people who really don’t understand that personalization is the foundation to any health optimization journey.
A lot of these people were rightfully scared of companies selling their data, but I made it clear that we will never do this.
Never Stop Improving
Health is a lifelong journey that I keep on optimizing and getting better.
Every few months, I focus on a new topic that I want to conquer and with the right tools and approach, I’ve never been let down so far.
I don’t have all day to try a million things, and I don’t want to waste money on useless supplements, so that’s where personalization comes in.
I’m not a biohacker that uses special and expensive tools either, so you can easily follow the steps I take, as all these are readily available to you too.
Step 1: I set my intention and a goal that I want to improve in a specific area, and then I go after it.
Step 2: I then use SelfDecode very closely to help me research and find what I need to try.
With SelfDecode, all you really have to do is look at your health reports to find your personalized recommendations. But, for the curious people that want to go more in-depth like myself, there are also blog posts, SNP & gene pages, lifestyle assessments, and more that I like to read through.
Step 3: Once I’m done adding all my health data and reading through the information, I look at the prioritized recommendations that are provided by SelfDecode.
I try each one, one at a time in isolation to see if I notice an effect.
Then, I add it to my routine and see how it goes together with my whole regimen. If it goes well, I keep it in there.
That is my approach and it works every time.
I’ve used this personalized health to help me dramatically improve:
- Inflammation
- Brain function
- Mood
- Energy & motivation
- Immune system
- Sleep
- Longevity (based on biomarkers)
Improving these areas were not one day affairs. Every few months I get new insights and tips that helps me optimize more.
My mood, brain function, energy and immune systems have been better in the last year than ever before.
This allows me to accomplish not only more in my professional life but in my personal life as well.
Health is a lifetime journey, and I’m honestly glad that I have SelfDecode as my software companion to help me through that journey because I always look at it and gain insights.
I hope SelfDecode can help you reach your health goals the same way it has helped me.