Over the last decade, I’ve intensively studied and experimented with every supplement I can get my hands on, so I’ve come to know what works and what doesn’t work.
I also have an impeccable ability to see through BS, which is a serious problem in the supplement industry.
Many supplements that are the most “popular” are actually placebos.
Sometimes I would take a whole bottle of a supplement in one shot and wouldn’t feel anything (not recommending that you try this at home!).
Finally, I decided I’d had enough. You know what they say, if you want it done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.
So, I did it myself.
Introducing… Jo!
I’ve brought my team of 20+ PhDs, MDs, scientists, and biochemical experts over from SelfDecode to help create the most effective supplements on the market.
The first supplement that we’re launching is Lectin-Free Resistant Starch.
Resistant starch has so many benefits. It optimizes your gut health, boosts your brain function, increases your energy, regulates blood sugar, and so much more.
It’s literally my favorite supplement, but it’s impossible to buy one that isn’t unmodified potato starch or raw green banana starch.
These starches give me serious brain fog, gut problems, and inflammation because of my food sensitivities.
For the past 7 years, I’ve been getting asked where to buy a resistant starch that is good for food sensitivities, and I had no good answer.
That’s why I want to give you the opportunity to get your hands on our very first supplement – Jo’s Founder’s Edition Lectin and Gluten-Free Resistant Starch.
Jo’s Resistant Starch – Only 1,000 Available!
Our resistant starch is designed to give you all the benefits without the negative side effects.
For our initial launch, we’ve only formulated enough for 1,000 Resistant Starch 3-pound containers.
Resistant starch is typically found in 1 lb containers, but since I use resistant starch ALL the time, I didn’t think buying it in 1 lb increments made sense.
So, even though I could probably use all 1,000 containers for myself, I’ve decided to share it with you.
(shipping is only available in the U.S.)